=== Contact Form builder with drag & drop for WordPress - Kali Forms === Contributors: kaliforms, silkalns, cristianraiber-1, wpchill, andreic86 Tags: contact form, contact form plugin, forms, form builder, custom form, contact button, custom contact form, form manager, forms builder, forms creator, signup form, payment form, stripe, stripe form, paypal, paypal form, email form Requires at least: 5.2 Tested up to: 5.7 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 2.3.3 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Build the ideal contact form for your WordPress website in minutes through the Drag & Drop builder and Guided Emails for entries notifications. == Description == #### WORDPRESS CONTACT FORM PLUGIN Meet Kali Forms - the powerful & user-friendly WordPress contact form plugin. Start from scratch with our easy-to-use drag & drop builder or build a form with our predesigned templates in just a few clicks... Kali Forms makes it easy to create powerful contact forms, payment forms, feedback forms and more for your website without the hassle. = Easy-to-use Form Templates = Building forms can take time, which is something we all never have enough of. So to make the form creation experience even easier and more efficient, Kali Forms comes with built-in form templates which you can use if you don't want to start from scratch! - **Standard contact form** Instantly create a contact form that allows your website visitors and potential customers to get in touch with you. - **Employee information form** Easily use and modify the Kali Forms employee information form template which you can use to collect vital information during the employee onboarding process. > **These 13 additional templates are only available in [Kali Forms Pro](https://kaliforms.com/pricing?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=form%20templates):** > > - **Job application form** > > Easily create a form that allows candidates to apply for a job with this template. > > - **Appointment form** > > Make it easy for potential customers and clients to book a call or schedule a meeting with you without linking to external services. > > - **Customer feedback form** > > Use the customer feedback form template to start collecting valuable feedback and suggestions from your customers. > > - **Art contest** > > Thinking of running an art contest or competition but don't know where to start? With the Kali Forms Art Contest form template, easily start collecting entries in just a few clicks. > > - **Gaming tournament registration form** > > Do you run a gaming website and want to host a gaming tournament that all your followers can join? If so, easily create a gaming tournament registration form by importing this predesigned template. Kali Forms makes it easy to plan and host gaming tournaments that people love. > > - **GDPR-Friendly contact form** > > Kali Forms makes it extremely easy to create GDPR-friendly contact forms with a confirmation checkbox that allows you to ensure that people submitting your contact form agree with the terms and conditions or privacy policy of your website. > > - **Running calculator form** > > Help users that like to go on outdoor runs calculate their pace, time and distance. The calculations are easily handled through our built-in Calculator. > > - **Donation form** > > A simple form that will allow you to accept donations through PayPal. > > - **Request quote form** > > An example form for requesting a quote for gardening services. > > - **Reservation form** > > Use this form if you want to provide users with an example of a hotel reservation form. > > - **Gym Membership Application form** > > Staying in shape is very important, allow users to apply to a gym memberhsip at your establishment using this example form. > > - **Simple booking form** > > Allow users to book a venue through this form. Previously selected dates will be automatically disabled in the calendar selection in order to avoid overlapping bookings. > > - **Simple booking form with payment** > > Provide users with a basic form that will allow them to book a room at your hotel and also accept payments online through PayPal. > > > **[Learn more about Kali Forms Pro…](https://kaliforms.com/pricing?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=form%20templates)** --- = The Fastest WordPress Form Plugin Available = We built the Kali Forms WordPress form plugin from the ground up overcome the performance issues caused by most (if not all) other form plugins. Say goodbye to legacy, outdated code. Kali Forms is built on [React](https://reactjs.org/). = All forms are 100% mobile-responsive. = Contact forms created with Kali Forms are fully mobile responsive, so your contact forms will look great on mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop devices. --- = The Days of Form Spam Are Over = We know much of a problem form spam is which is why Kali Forms is designed to use a combination of [Google's powerful reCAPTCHA](https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/v3.html) and spam honeypot system so you never have to waste your time dealing with unsolicited submissions ever again. = Easy doesn't need to mean basic forms = > *This feature is only available in [Kali Forms Pro](kaliforms.com/pricing)!* > > Kali Forms was designed to be user-friendly but being easy-to-use doesn't need to mean that you should only be able to create simple, basic forms. > > With Kali Forms Pro, you can easily create powerful forms that use conditional logic, multi-page forms, and make use of our partial entries and submisison handling add-on. > > [Learn More about Kali Forms Pro…](https://kaliforms.com) ---- = 3rd party or external service disclaimer = The plugin sends data (User action) to our website through an API Call (https://kaliforms.com/wp-json/kf/v1/uninstall-feedback) in order to send a uninstall feedback. The plugin connects to our website through an API call (https://kaliforms.com/wp-json/kf/v1/plugins) in order to request a list of available extensions. **Kali Forms does not send any data without consent or user action to our website, nor do we collect sensitive information from the requests.** Our full privacy policy can be found [here](https://kaliforms.com/privacy-policy/). == Installation == = For automatic installation: = The easiest and recommended way to install is to click on 'Plugins' then 'Add New' and type 'Kali Forms' in the search field. You'll then be able to install the plugin within a few seconds and get started right away. = For Manual Installation (1): = 1. Login to your website and go to the ***Plugins*** section of your admin panel. 2. Click the ***Add New*** button. 3. Under ***Install Plugins***, click the ***Upload*** link. 4. Select the plugin zip file (*kaliforms.x.x.x.zip*) from your computer then click the ***Install Now*** button. 5. You should see a message stating that the *plugin was installed successfully.* 6. Now click ***activate plugin***. = For Manual Installation (2): = 1. You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed. If you don't, please contact your system administrator. 2. Copy the plugin zip file (*kaliforms.x.x.x.zip*) to your server and unzip it somewhere in the file system. 3. Copy the new folder with name "*kaliforms*" folder into the ***/wp-content/plugins*** directory of your WordPress installation. 4. Login to your website and go to the ***Plugins*** section of your admin panel. 5. Look for "***Kali Forms***" and click Activate. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Who is Kali Forms for? = - Kali Forms is the perfect WordPress form plugin for businesses, web design agencies and basically anyone with a WordPress website. If you want to add a form to your WordPress website, Kali Forms is the must-use plugin. = Do I need to be able to program to use Kali Forms? = - Kali Forms was built from the ground up to be the most user-friendly WordPress form plugin. You definetely do **not** need to know how to program to use it but if you are comfortable with custom CSS you can easily customize your form even further. = How can I access the full version of Kali Forms? = - You can get access to the full version of Kali Forms, premium extensions and support by [upgrading](https://kaliforms.com/pricing?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=FAQ). = How can I say thanks? = * Share Kali Forms with someone else who's looking for a form plugin for their website! = Where can I suggest a feature? = - If you'd like to give us any feedback that we could use to take Kali Forms even further, please let us know by filling [this form](https://forms.gle/oTm2huQhNwumSHAu9) out! = Where can I get help? = - If you're a Kali Forms Pro user, [please reach out to us](https://kaliforms.com/contact-us/) - if you're using the free version of Kali Forms, feel free to use the [WordPress.org Support Forums here.](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/kali-forms/) == Screenshots == 1. Form builder 2. One Click Forms 3. Spam Protection 4. Conditional Logic (PRO) 5. Form field edit 6. General settings 7. Options presets == Changelog == 2.3.2 & 2.3.3 - Recaptcha triggered an error if you had 2 of them on the same page - Compact overlap style would not be applied on date time picker - Added a checkbox to trigger "scroll" to thank you page, instead of being a default - Various bug fixes and QOL improvements 2.3.1 - Added ip address in form entry list - Small fixes and qol improvements 2.3.0 - Added a new way to view and handle submissions - Various bug fixes 2.2.30 - Fixed issue with reply to field with sendinblue provider - Fixed issue with notice dismissal 2.2.29 - Forms now scroll to the thank you message after submission - Fixed a typo - Added a new method to init our forms inside elementor 2.2.28 - Fixed a bug in the akismet check - Fixed a bug with entrycounter 2.2.27 - Updated language files 2.2.25 - Elementor patching 2.2.24 - Forms loaded in Elementor did not start the file upload process 2.2.22 - Kaliform shortcode inside Elementor shortcode widget would not "start" 2.2.21 - PHP 7.4 removed function each() - caused a fatal error - Added support for pagebreak complete label - There was an issue with conditional logic image radio items - QOL improvements - Added a Elementor widget (BETA) - still work in progress 2.2.20 - Various bug fixes and QOL improvements 2.2.19 - Elementor causing issues with javascript, removed JS files but forced the opacity to 1 2.2.18 - Small bug fixing 2.2.17 - Added support for getresponse (needs plugin) - Fixed an issue with the date picker component (from the pro version) - Image radio improvements (now accepts label and captions) 2.2.16 - Added support for moosend & campaign monitor (needs plugin) - Added support for webhooks placeholders (needs plugin) - Submission views will show the date and time of submission 2.2.0 -> 2.2.15 - Generated a pot file in the /languages directory - Fixed an issue with file upload fields - Required field mark is wrapped in a span now - Added more options to the file upload field ( you can now add a minimum file size and a total maximum files size when using multiple uploads) - Submission view (for the user) now renders digital signatures and fileUpload fields as images ( paving the way for the new and improved version ) - Added support for mailpoet & sendfox (needs the newsletter plugin) - Fixed a bug when handling emails - Fixed an issue with having multiple file upload fields at the same time with different settings - Trigger frontend scripts in Elementor builder - Added support for webhooks - Fixed an issue with special characters in sent emails - Default wp mailer did not set headers correctly - Re-done email settings page ( along with email sending logic - hoping to increase deliverability) - Added an option to "reset" the form after you finish it - QOL improvements - Bug fixes 2.1.7 - Fixed an issue with paypal and recaptcha 2.1.6 - Bugfix 2.1.5 - Small fix 2.1.3 - QOL improvements - Bug fixes - Added a new global placeholder {thisPermalink} that returns the page where the form was submitted 2.1.2 - Security issue fixed 2.1.1 - Security issues fixed and resolved - Visual bug fixed ( for WP 5.5 ) 2.1.0 - Added support for newsletter - Added support for slack - Added support for digital signature - Added support for user registration - Various bug fixes and qol issues 2.0.4 / 2.0.5 / 2.0.6 - Bugfix 2.0.3 - Bugfix on calculator page 2.0.2 - Added a little bit of backward compat with older PHP versions for akismet checks 2.0.1 - Bug fixes 2.0.0 - Revamped User Interface - Added Image Radio field - Added Donation field - Added Button field - Added Akismet integration - Added honeypot spam protection - Added more placeholders that you can you use in the Thank You Message and in the Emails - Added support for more premium features - Various QOL improvements 1.6.5 - Reply To header was not being set property (form notifications) 1.6.4 - Fixed a bug when clicking the update button would show the deactivation feedback form 1.6.3 - Checkbox values were not replaced in the placeholder 1.6.2 - Fixed an issue that didnt trigger the email wizzard 1.6.1 - {formName} placeholder wasn't returning a value 1.6.0 - Improved form builder ( design & functionality ) - Added form themes - Form submissions renamed to Form Entries - Form entries can be saved without additional plugins ( note that you will need Form Submission plugin to access them through WP) - Textareas can be converted to editors ( standard wp editor ) - Added several form fields ( URL, Phone, Email ) - Added email duplicate functionality - Added field duplicate functionality - Added functionality to add placeholders in inputs to prefill user data on page view (e.g. to prefill a field with the user email, you need to use the {user_email} placeholder : [kaliform id="5" email="{user_email}"]) - Added 2 new placeholders that can be used in fields, thank you message or email notifications: {entryCounter} and {formName} - Using PHP Before Form Process scripting areas, you can edit/add/delete values from the submitted data before they are saved - QOL adjustments 1.5.0 - Added a new filter that happens before file uploads - Added a review notice for wordpress.org - Added Email Settings page to improve and debug mail deliverability - Added a duplicate form button in the Forms listing - Added a dashboard widget - Added an email quick link in the form builder top navigation bar ( email icon ) - Added possibility to send data through the shorcode e.g. [kaliform id="1" first-name="John" last-name="Doe"] - Added uninstall feedback - Added system checks - Several QOL adjustments 1.4.0 - Various bugs, fixes and QOL adjustments 1.3.0 - Added functionality to attach files uploaded through file upload fields to emails - Added functionality to attach files from uploaded media to emails (will be improved in the next update) - Added functionality to attach files from your server using a relative path (e.g. /app/public/wp-content/uploads/file.zip) - Added a simple way to view/copy placeholders that can be used in emails/thank you message/etc - Added conditional logic functionality to free text. Useful in scenarios where you want to display a certain message based on user input - Various bugs, fixes and QOL adjustments 1.2.0 - Option to hide form name - Layout builder improvements ( offsets are now taken into consideration ) - Various bugs, fixes and QOL adjustments 1.1.0 - Added an instalation hook to add a default contact form - Added a loading state for the app - Various bugs, fixes and QOL adjustments 1.0.0 - Release